Girls welcome democracy

Saturday 15 August 2009

Pakistani girls all over the country have written in indicating their immense pleasure at the democratic process in Pakistan. Many girls are welcoming the recent elections and the victory of the parliamentary system. While girls traditionally have voted along ethnic and tribal lines, today girls are increasingly following the liberal candidates.

Benazir Bhutto, after all, was a Pakistani girl. At least she used to be. “We support Nawaz Sharif, because he is perceived to be the most honest candidate” writes Amber Ayub from Lahore. Farheen Altaf from Karachi has a different view altogether. “Benazir Bhutto gave her life for what she believed in. That’s why I voted for her”, says Farheen.

The female youth of Pakistan, although not conforming to a singular political view, nevertheless participated in the recent elections in large numbers. Pakistani girls showed once again that they are second to none when it comes to voicing their opinions about their country.


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