Pakistani girls gang

Saturday 15 August 2009

A group of five Pakistani girls posing for a photoshoot. According to reports coming in from some of the male teenagers, Pakistani girls tend to roam around in groups of four or five, looking for some fun, or boys to hit on. Yes, you got that right. Now the roles have reversed, and girls tend to hit on boys instead of the other way around.

The leader of the group is usually what is known as the alpha female (remember alpha bitch?). An ostensible counterpart to the alpha male, the alpha female usually embodies the essential qualities of the alpha male – including authority, confidence and leadership skills, with the only difference being her gender. A classic role reversal in the sociological realm.

In this particular example of five girls, we see the alpha female in the center. Flanking her on either side are her betas, followed by thetas or others further down the chain of command.


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